Posts Tagged ‘Umpire’
TTW Umpires Are UK Active
On the weekend of 1st-2nd June 2019 three Welsh Umpires, Krasimira Krasteva (CU), Barrie Russ (CU) and Peter Higgins (IU) officiated at the English Inter-Regional Finals in Hatfield. The competition, which was for Cadet, under 13 and under 11 Boys/girls team plus singles matches. All three umpired in the team finals with their English counterparts.…
Read MoreHow Umpiring Can Reward
Las Vegas, Sin City. The City that never sleeps… Peter Higgins, TTW Umpire Coordinator, has just returned from Vegas. He officiated at the World Veteran Championships and have a great experience. Here he shares it with you… Report From Las Vegas The event had 3786 players should have had 4000, but a lot of players…
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