Starting a club or community league
We are very keen to hear from any individuals who may be starting a table tennis club in their local community – or from existing groups who may be interested in adding table tennis to their activities.
Download our guide to running a club- see below. Please also see the support we can offer (“Club Support Package”)
Registration with us costs nothing and is very easy. It brings with it a range of benefits – see below. Just get in touch with us.
We are very happy to offer information and support including:
- Signposting to funding opportunities
- Draft Constitution
- Provision of a database for your members
- General guidance on important matters such as child protection and other important aspects of running a successful club
- Competitive opportunities
- Liability insurance
- Coach training
- Running Competitions
- Whether to be incorporated or unincorporated – including any risks
We have produced a number of helpful guides:
Appendix A to Running a Community Club
Appendix B to Running a Community Club
Appendix C to Running a Community Club
Appendix D to Running a Community Club
Please do contact us for more information
Visit also Sport Wales Club Solutions website for fantastic support
We are currently looking for individuals or groups to set up small local community leagues for us. Please see the guide called “Setting up a Community League” which you can download below. Honorariums may be available for approved organisers depending on the budget resource we have available from time to time. please see the Guide to Setting up a Community League
Please see our Risk Assessments page