New Staff Structure for TTW
We are pleased to announce a new staff structure after reviewing our delivery against our vision of inspiring Wales to enjoy and succeed in table tennis.
At the start of the year, a Board task and finish group considered our current staffing arrangement against the requirements needed to deliver against our strategy and the new Sport Wales strategic direction/ investment.
The main considerations included the adoption of a new performance framework that will deliver a structured, holistic, player-centred pathway for our players in the Welsh squad. Our new community strategy also required a development role who would enable the growth of the game through developing people, clubs, coaches and revenues in a ‘sport for all’ approach. The Sport Wales School Sports survey and grassroots insight determined that we would focus our development coaches in Cardiff and Swansea to tap into the demand for the sport in those areas. Finally, the addition of a Business Support Officer to the team provides a much needed back-office capacity which will be essential to manage our member support, social media and for our programme delivery.

Following a 3-stage interview process, Josh Morgan and Stephen Jenkins secured the National Coach roles and Simon Oyler the Community Business Development Manager role. Ryan Jenkins made the decision to leave TTW to experience new challenges and the remaining roles will be filled in the coming months.
All of the team have worked throughout lockdown supporting our players and clubs and will continue to work hard to ensure that we can return our members back to the table safely. As a result, the team will transition into their new roles and will be fully in post by the 1st October 2020.