Home Nations Camp at Nottingham
Last week our Welsh players Lily Walters, Daniel Mead and Harry Street went to the Home Nations training camp at Nottingham University.
The three dragons were training with players from Scotland, Ireland and England.
Lead by Kelly Sibley and supported by multiple coaches from each country.
The training camp was over three days.
They started each day with multiple fun and engaging team warms up lead by TTE strength and conditioning consultant Justin.
Followed by a structured training session 8:30am – 10am and then 3 sets of
12 x 12 second sprints.
Once the physical was over, they were treated to watch the English, Welsh and Australian National teams training. Including Anna Hursey and Charlotte Carey.
After Lunch they had more fun warms ups including:
Topsy – Turvy cones Head, Shoulders, Knees or CONE, Ladder exercises
2 bounce sprint
figure of 8 cones, side steps in between one another
over and under
sidestep mirror who has the ball leads and
keep the ball away from the person in the middle.
Followed by another training session 1:30 – 4pm and more physical 4 – 5pm
The training was to a strong standard with high intensity, with challenges and points. All 3 players worked very hard through the three days and made the most of this great opportunity to meet players across the UK and work with lots of experienced coaches.
On the fourth day we went to the Nottingham 2 star event where:
Harry Street: Cadet Group 2 Winner
Lily Walters: Cadet Group 3 Position 4th / 8 Players
Daniel Mead: Cadet Group 2 position 4th / 8 players
Overall this was a great learning experience with lots to take away and lots of quality table time with strong focus.