






  • Welsh Government has confirmed that the wearing of face coverings will continue to be a legal requirement in indoor settings apart from hospitality and therefore, the wearing of face coverings will continue to be required in indoor spaces outside of physical activity.
  • Welsh Government has confirmed the lifting of social distancing rules in Wales, meaning that social distancing is no longer a legal requirement. Although this isn’t a legal requirement we encourage venues, clubs and other organisations to ensure measures are considered to limiting any spread of coronavirus.
  • Welsh Government has confirmed there is no maximum capacity for indoor sports, meaning there is no longer a limit on participation numbers for indoor sports. Although this is not a legal requirement, we still encourage venues, clubs and organisations to ensure measures are considered to limit any spread of coronavirus.
  • All clubs and leagues must continue to undertake a specific coronavirus risk assessment, taking into account reasonable measures to minimise exposure to, and the spread of, coronavirus.
  • Everyone attending club activity are still required to complete the symptom checker that is outlined in the COVID-19 Self Declaration Statement. New Isolation measures are outlined below following the Welsh Government guidance.
  • Everyone must continue to self-isolate for 10 days if they test positive for COVID-19. If you are a close contact of someone who has tested positive and are aged 18 or over and not fully vaccinated, you must also self-isolate for 10 days.
  • Fully vaccinated adults, under 18’s and vaccine trail participants will not need to self-isolate if they are a close contact of someone with coronavirus.
  • Competitions can resume providing a coronavirus risk assessment is completed and corresponded with the NGB to ensure safety and transparency.
  • Doubles play can resume with no restrictions, however taking into account the measures to minimise the spread of coronavirus, limiting the changing of partners per session is advised where possible.

We are following the Welsh Government Guidance and will move between Alert Levels as and when we are required to do so. For more information please consult the Welsh Government Coronavirus page.