Coaching Licence

Being a Table Tennis Wales licence coach brings more support, integration and further possibilities for those coaches wanting to progress knowledge and ability. We wish to have improved relationships with coaches and offer better-targeted support. Until now, Table Tennis Wales has opted not to enforce a coaching licence as other countries have. We wish to introduce it now to make sure we are more responsible for the coaches that work for and with us around Wales. Quality control within our organisation is essential to us.

Our New Sport 80 portal will enable you to be interactive to the coaching community whilst checking your certificates

Why become a licence holder?

Table Tennis Wales holds a very attractive insurance premium which will safeguard any licence coach on the new scheme. A coach without valid insurance runs the risk of any type of claim against them in the future. The TTW licence is only available to UKCC qualified coaches who satisfy UKCC pre-requisites (up to date DBS, safeguarding and first aid qualifications). Only licence holders will be employed by TTW or recommended for employment to our partners.

What do I need to do?

It’s a simple as just paying an affiliation fee (currently £20 a year) to TT Wales to get your free coach licence.  (All coaches need to be affiliated to a sporting governing body and it’s no exception with Table Tennis Wales.)  Then just complete this application form.

What can I expect once I affiliate?

Further benefits include free coaching visits from the TT Wales coaching staff to progress knowledge, Invites to Coaching technical days, Insurance cover, plus email shoots with loads of interesting videos and information.

Coaching Qualifications

Table Tennis Wales aims to help all their coaches to progress through the coaching pathway and having a licensing scheme will ensure we find the right support for you. A database will be held to invite you to UKCC courses, safeguarding training sessions, first aid courses and help to get your DBS check (minimum coach operating standards).


We want all our coaches to feel safe and needed, whilst helping you to progress to the level required, and getting the best out of your skills. All coaches need to be insured when in the field and if you decide not to come onboard (which is free to do so), you would need to find your own personal insurance cover which would cost considerably more than affiliating to Table Tennis Wales. If you don’t affiliate, you are not a member so naturally will not be covered. Once you become a member you can access the Sport 80 membership portal and use the coaching section

The role of a sports coach is to motivate and support people who want to develop new skills and begin a healthier lifestyle, success is not possible without quality coaching!

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