Fourth Commonwealth Games call up for umpire Jackie Williams

Jackie Williams has been selected to umpire at this summer’s Commonwealth Games in Birmingham – her fourth appearance at the tournament. As the only female Blue Badge umpire in the UK, Jackie made her Commonwealth Games debut in Delhi in 2001 – and went on to umpire at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2009…

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Krasimira Krasteva – TTW’s newest National Umpire

They say you’re never too young to start playing table tennis – and that is true of Krasimira Krasteva, who first picked up a bat and ball and began playing when she was just five-years old. After playing all through the junior categories, her passion nowadays is for umpiring – and as Krasi has recently…

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Junior Umpire Award

A new test is available for youngsters who wish to try their hand at umpiring table tennis. This is a great way to gain a certificate for GCSE, Duke of Edinburgh and to build your CV Send your completed test to once completed You need to get 15 correct out of 22 possible points…

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Umpire Course

Dear Table Tennis enthusiasts, Tim Harris on behalf of the TTW is presenting a County  Umpire preparation course, which is being held at the Mackintosh Sports Club on the 14th of September 2019 at 2pm. This is part of the enabling works being carried out to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to assist Welsh Table Tennis with…

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TTW Umpires Are UK Active

On the weekend of 1st-2nd June 2019 three Welsh Umpires, Krasimira Krasteva (CU), Barrie Russ (CU) and Peter Higgins (IU) officiated at the English Inter-Regional Finals in Hatfield. The competition, which was for Cadet, under 13 and under 11 Boys/girls team plus singles matches. All three umpired in the team finals with their English counterparts.…

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How Umpiring Can Reward

Las Vegas, Sin City. The City that never sleeps… Peter Higgins, TTW Umpire Coordinator, has just returned from Vegas. He officiated at the World Veteran Championships and have a great experience. Here he shares it with you… Report From Las Vegas The event had 3786 players should have had 4000, but a lot of players…

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Warnings, Cards & Bans

A revised Bye Law has been issued by the board of TTW as set out below “Matches controlled by qualified officials shall be subject to the following point penalty system for dealing with misbehaviour. A player who is formally warned or penalised by a qualified umpire or referee by a yellow card for misbehaviour will incur…

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Umpire Information

The experience of most table tennis players with regard to umpiring is probably in local league matches where the primary function is to merely call out the score. However is this really what being an umpire is all about? Can umpiring really be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience? Firstly, let’s take a look at the…

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